Thursday, July 11, 2013

Let's Play!

Tango and Booker have different styles of play: Tango seems to be more self-conscious when he plays in places other than home, but Booker totally loses himself in the fun. (In this picture Booker is playing with his Skinneeez toy and Tango is just looking at me.) It could be that Booker is still a puppy, but I want him to keep that fun-loving, carefree aspect to his personality. So, I'll keep playing with him wherever we are! Last weekend we were at a dog Agility trial, where Tango did well, picking up his first qualifying leg in Open Jumpers With Weaves! I brought Booker along to continue his acclimation to new places, and I brought a couple of his toys. During slow times I brought Booker out to practice his walking nicely on lead, and to play. No hesitation! I was so happy that he wanted to tug right out of his crate. Tango won't tug anywhere other than home. I've tried many, many, many times to get him to play at trial settings. I've sat on the floor with him, enticing him to tug. I've made a fool of myself, practically standing on my head to get him to tug. I still try, but he looks at me like I'm insane. Maybe I am!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


We've all seen lots of posts by many dog trainers about how dogs and fireworks don't mix. Common sense, right? Compression shirts, drugs, natural calming remedies, distraction - all of these work for different dogs. None worked for my last Boston Terrier, Ceilidh, but then, she was "special," and a subject best discussed later. The point here is, do what works for you and your dog!

I know that Tango doesn't really care about fireworks or thunder. If something is particularly loud, he'll pick up his head and look at me. If I don't react, he won't react. But, believe me, sometimes it's hard for me not to react! I jump at thunder, at movie explosions. For my dogs, though, I try! It will certainly be interesting to see Booker's reaction to fireworks. This will be his first Fourth of July celebration. Hopefully he'll take a cue from his "brother" and sleep through it all!