So it's been a while - a long while! - since I've posted. I apologize for that. Tango is 5 now, and Booker is 2 - what a big boy! Tango is still a grouch, but less so. And Booker is still a happy-go-lucky, playful fellow. Yes, Tango and Booker have different outlooks on life. I'm never going to change that. And I now understand that their viewpoints are irrelevant in their, and my, respective happiness.
What does make a difference is how each behaves - with each other, with me, with other members of the family, and in public with other dogs and people.
And what makes a difference to behavior is training. Training a dog (the right way) ensures a happy, well-adjusted dog, eager to do what you want and eager to face future challenges. And, training doesn't take long. Just a couple, or a few, 5-minute sessions each day. And lots of patience.
We'll take on that long journey together. I'll share what has worked for me, what I'm trying now, my inspirations. Also what hasn't worked. And during the process we'll have happy dogs and a happy family!
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